Mouth Ulcers: How to Get Rid of Them

You might not think that something as simple as a cold or a sore throat could wreak havoc on your life, but when you have mouth ulcers, even the smallest problem can snowball into a painful ordeal. If left untreated, these little sores on your tongue or inside your cheeks can cause serious health problems such as tissue breakdown and bleeding. Mouth ulcers are painful sores that form in the mouth. They’re usually caused by something that irritates the gums and causes the protective mucous membranes to become inflamed. Common triggers include things like stress, smoking, alcohol consumption, low levels of certain prescription medicines and certain illnesses such as herpes or Candidiasis. These small sores can also be caused by damage to an area of the mouth called the lingual frenulum (the band of tissue that connects the upper lip with the lower lip). This causes the top layer of the tongue to stick out slightly and rub against other teeth, causing pain when eating or drinking anything hot or cold. Once one starts developing, they’re very difficult to get rid of without professional help.
How Do Mouth Ulcers Form?
Mouth ulcers are sores that form on the inside of your cheeks or on the tips of your lips. Most often, this condition occurs when the protective layer of your mouth becomes inflamed. This layer is called your mucous membrane. It helps protect your mouth from bacteria and other germs that can cause infections. When this membrane is irritated for some reason, like from a mouth infection or even from tooth brushing too hard, it causes sores to form on top of your gums. You may be more likely to get mouth ulcers if you have certain medical conditions, like diabetes, or if you’re taking certain medications. For example, certain antibiotics, steroids and anti-depressants can cause mouth ulcers in some people.
When Should You See a Doctor?
If you have mouth ulcers more than twice in a year, especially if they’re severe or causing you a lot of pain, you should definitely see your doctor. If you have diabetes, an underlying condition such as cancer, have an immune disorder or are a known drug user, you’re at even higher risk of developing mouth ulcers. Other things to discuss with your doctor are any pain you feel in your throat while swallowing and any bleeding while brushing your teeth or from your mouth.
DIY Self Care for Mouth Ulcers
Home remedies for mouth ulcers can help ease the pain and help your ulcers heal faster. The two most effective ones include gargling with warm salt water and rinsing your mouth with unflavoredICE water. You can also try mixing 1 teaspoon salt in 8 cups of water and gargling with it three times a day for 10 minutes each time. You can also gargle with elderberry syrup if you’re suffering from a throat infection.
Treating Mouth Ulcers at Home
Over-the-counter painkillers can help relieve the pain caused by mouth ulcers. Make sure to ask your doctor first if you have any of the conditions that increase your risk of developing these sores or if you’re on any medications. Over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medicines such as ibuprofen and naproxen can also be helpful when you have mouth ulcers. You can eat foods high in vitamin C to heal your mouth ulcers faster. Vitamin C is a natural anti-inflammatory that can help the healing process and ward off any potential bacterial infections.
Signs of a Healthy Mucous Membrane
As saliva constantly moisturizes your mouth, you may notice that when you have mouth ulcers, your gums are slightly bleeding. This is normal and can be a sign that your protective mucous membranes are healthy. In addition to the pain caused by mouth ulcers, another indication that you may have a problem is that you have no other symptoms, like a throat sore or a fever.
Tips for Avoiding Mouth Ulcers
Try not to eat too quickly or drink too much liquid at once, as this can put too much stress on your mouth. Eat smaller meals and drink water instead of other liquids like tea or coffee, which can also cause your mouth to be too dry. Use plain, anti-bacterial toothpaste. Brush your teeth with a soft-brushed technique, rather than with a hard brush, which can irritate your gums. Keep your hands clean when you’re eating and when you’re drinking; holding your utensils in your mouth when eating can also dry out your mouth.
Mouth ulcers are painful sores on the inside of your cheeks or inside your lips. When left untreated, they can cause serious health problems. You’re more likely to get mouth ulcers if you have certain medical conditions, have recently taken certain medications or have a weakened protective mucous membrane in your mouth. Home remedies for mouth ulcers can help ease the pain and help your ulcers heal faster. Signs of a healthy mucous membrane indicate that you may have a problem. Make sure to eat small, nutritious meals and drink plenty of water. You can also gargle with salt water and rinse your mouth with chilled water to heal your ulcers faster.

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